The census data used is from quickfacts and the information is from the year 2010. The land area in square miles for Lorton, Virginia is 5.30 and there was 3,508.7 persons per square mile in 2010. The total population in 2010 was 18,610. The population did rise from the previous census shown in 2000. The increase was from 17,786 people to 18,610 in 10 years. Of all the men and women in Lorton, females accounted for 52.3% of all the population.
The racial divide is as follows: White persons in 2010 is 39%, Black persons account for 29.9%, Asians are listed as 18.2%, Hispanics total 16.7%, white persons not hispanic calculate to 31.5%, persons of two or more races are at 5.1% and Alaskans and Hawaiians account for less than 1%.
I used Census tract 4222 for my area. The Census tract 4222 showed there population to be 2,332 people. The break down of race from this tract was as follows: Whites 44%, Asians 37%, Blacks 12%, Hispanics 5% and 2% other groups. I was astonished that in this tract, 37% were Asian because I just don't see that on a day by day basis and I was also shocked that 17% were Black. I would have sworn that there were more Blacks in my area because I see more of them around the neighborhood. This made me realize between Asians and Blacks, Asians stay more to themselves, inside homes or at work and blacks tend to be outside more. This can be fore many different reasons but I choose not to assume because there can be many reasons for both scenarios.
I was surprised to see that foreign born persons in Lorton, Virginia between 2006-2010 are listed as 35.6%. This percentage comes from the American Community Survey (ACS). The education level for high school settles at 90.7% and for a Bachelors degree it lowers to 47.2% which is still higher than the Commonwealth of Virginia's total. Last but not least, the ACS states median household income for Lorton, Virginia from 2006-2010 is $80,552 compared to the Virginia's total of $61,406. Even though the high diversity of the city has been creeping into Lorton, Virginia, the household ownership numbers continue to rise from 2006-2010 in the total percentage of 60.3%.
The census data does show growth throughout the ACS survey between 2006 and 2010 and that is fabulous news since we just purchased our home in 2010 and we are looking for gradual progress in the area.
I believe the main increase in the changes to the growth in our area is due to the BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) of the military base. With the closing of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Bethesda and the opening of the Ft. Belvoir Regional Hospital this brought new troops to the area. The area in which I live is directly affected by what happens with the military installation including population growth!
The diversity in the area is seen by the different restaurants in the area. There are more ethnic restaurants in our area which is paralleled with the census tract.
I like my neighborhood and all the difference it brings.
Great! JB
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ReplyDeleteI embedded the link which was quite easy. Thanks for the guidance.